THE PR FACTORY (Barbara Van Lombeek, Marie France Dupagne, Gudrun Burie et Julie Vanderhaeghen)

Publicists (The PR Factory - Belgium)

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In a world where supply outstrips demand, criticism is still and always will be the best way to cut through all the content on any given platform. It will never be replaced by algorithms, however efficient they are, because artificial intelligence will never identify the little gems that spark excitement and joy in cinephiles. And these will be buried deep beneath the noisy marketing campaigns of big budget films.

But most importantly, our experience working closely with creators has taught us that even though negative reviews are rarely welcome, constructive discussions with informed experts are always valued. So many times we’ve heard filmmakers say that critics made them rethink certain unconscious elements of their work.

Sadly, mostly due to lack of means and time, these privileged exchanges are increasingly rare. Firstly because traditional media are struggling and proper cinephile outlets are disappearing to make way for digital content that favours speedy, less thought-out and more sensational interactions, and secondly because the creators themselves are constantly called upon to talk to an ever-increasing number of outlets and can’t give quality interviews the time they need.

As publicists, we consider that the essence of our work is increasingly to favour quality over quantity, choosing to work with conscientious journalists in order to sustain the relationship between critics and creators, so that cinephiles keep going to the cinema to watch films that they might not have seen without recommendation.

Barbara, Marie-France, Gudrun & Julie